Who we are

At Pathlight, everybody you work with is focused on the same goal: giving you greater confidence by building the strongest version of your business. 

Strength is vital when it comes to risk, regulation and governance. A strong foundation in these areas gives you the confidence that your business is compliant and adhering to the highest standards of conduct today. But, more than that, it’s the bedrock on which you can build a culture and mindset that’s sustainable. 

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How we work

Our team at Pathlight will get to know you and your business, so we understand how you work and the challenges and opportunities you face. Then we’ll work together to build a bespoke team and plan of action, based on giving you senior, specialist support:

Senior experience

Every member of our team is an accomplished professional with years of industry and commercial knowledge. So you get more seniority and experience for the investment you make.

Core skills, seamlessly integrated

Our core team combines a wealth of experience in governance, risk and compliance, corporate culture, financial crime and conduct of business. More importantly, we combine this capability with overarching disciplines such as process improvement, internal control, project management, technology and behavioural science.

Specialist skills when you need them

We have one of the best networks of expertise in the industry. So we can call on specialists in fields such as financial and non-financial risk management, wholesale and retail conduct of business, financial crime, multi-jurisdictional regulation and licensing. Our network includes individuals with international expertise and comprises people we know well and have worked with before. Whatever challenges you face, we’ll build the team you need.

Support for long-term growth

We can help you develop the mindset and culture of your leaders and your organisation, applying our expertise in applied behavioural science and our unique integration of business psychology and organisational development principles across the fields of governance, board effectiveness, risk and regulatory compliance. We engage you in our work, so that our recommendations align with your business strategy. So your approach to risk, compliance and governance is sustainable, long after we’ve worked together.

Our purpose and values

We work with clients and regulators to enhance systemic sustainability and stability


We give clients the confidence to develop a culture that fosters the highest standards of conduct


We’re focussed on delivering the right outcomes for our clients, regulators and society


We are agile and diverse in our thinking, always seeking to understand our stakeholders and their context better


We are responsible in everything we say, do and think


We work with and alongside our clients to enable them to create sustainable solutions and practices within their organisations.