Retail and Commercial Banking

We work with UK and international retail and commercial banks. The retail and commercial banking sectors continue to evolve to meet consumer and regulatory expectations and maintain resilience. Whether an established ‘high street’ bank, an emerging challenger bank or the UK entity of an international bank, they need to remain focussed on:

  • Meeting and enhancing customer/consumer expectations;
  • Keeping up with regulations and maintaining compliance;
  • Managing the range of risks they face – strategic, credit, market, operational and reputation;
  • Building and maintaining a team of people with the right knowledge, skills, capabilities and behaviours; and
  • Increasing revenues whilst optimising costs to maintain financial performance.

It’s important firms maintain awareness and flexibility against the backdrop of sustained regulatory focus and substantial penalties and fines.

Our Approach

Our clients include banks that are looking to enhance their business performance, improve the efficiency of systems and controls and develop and empower their teams. We also work with banks that have had control breakdowns and/or issues that need to be managed and remediated. When working as part of a regulatory review, we work with the bank and the regulator to remediate the issues and get the organisation back to where it needs to be.  

We combine our experience in risk, compliance, governance, culture, operations, technology and audit with industry knowledge to support firms in a way that is practical, aligned to their business strategy and adds value.